Second Hand Leadlights


Lawrence Leadlights brings to you a constantly evolving range of authentic period leadlights procured from historic properties and period homes. We have on hand a huge range of second hand leadlights. From second hand leadlight windows to second hand leadlight doors, we offer them all at our state of the art studio in Sydney.

We stock a huge range of second hand and recycled leadlights from all architectural styles. Our collection includes Victorian ledlights, Edwardian leadlights, Art Deco leadlights and contemporary leadlights. If you are looking for old leadlight doors and windows, we can help you choose the right product from our huge range of second hand leadlights.

As leadlight restoration specialists, we assure you of the best quality second hand leadlights. All second hand leadlight windows and doors on offer are restored to their former glory before being installed in your home. If the timber on the door needs work, we will paint it to match the decor of your home and install it professionally.

We have been installing new leadlights, restoring, repairing and selling second hand leadlights for over 25 years in Sydney. We love what we do and we ensure you get a product that meets your requirements.

Buying second hand does not mean that you settle for less. In fact, even clear glass of today differs dramatically from clear glass from the bygone era. If you are looking for an authentic leadlight installation, then second hand leadlights are perfect. If the leadlight has a missing/broken panel, we will match it to perfection.